can't connect to psql
# support-questions
Hi guys, any idea why when i'm hosting the core myself, even tho my connection string to pgsql is correct it uses in-memory db ? Is there a way to get more logs when starting up ? I only get :
Copy code
Loading supertokens config.
Completed config.yaml loading.
Loading storage layer.
Using in memory storage.
Loading supertokens version.yaml file.
Started SuperTokens on localhost:3567 with PID: 15384
hey @TeK Are you running the core without docker?
I literally just found what i did wrongβ–Ύ

didn't saw that one
so i was editing the config.yaml in the install folder
ah okay! so it works now?
An important in blue didn't triggered my attention ^^
I'm getting a perm denied for schema public but i'm verifying everything, 99.99% my fault πŸ™‚
Uhm actually even with my postgres user i'm getting
What caused the crash: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: permission denied for schema public
Uhh getting annoyed with that admin stuff everywhere, my text editor is struggling to save changesd
It seems like you are getting a permission denied error for the public schema in PostgreSQL. This could be due to a few reasons, such as incorrect permissions or incorrect configuration. Here are a few things you can try: 1. Check your PostgreSQL user's permissions: Make sure that the user you are using to connect to PostgreSQL has the necessary permissions to access the public schema. You can check this by running the following command in your PostgreSQL console:
Copy code
This will show you a list of all the users in your PostgreSQL database and their associated roles and permissions. Make sure that the user you are using has the necessary permissions to access the public schema. 2. Check your SuperTokens configuration: Make sure that your SuperTokens configuration is correct and that you are using the correct PostgreSQL connection URI. You can check this by looking at your SuperTokens configuration file and verifying that the connection URI is correct. 3. Check your PostgreSQL configuration: Make sure that your PostgreSQL server is configured correctly and that the public schema is accessible. You can check this by looking at your PostgreSQL configuration file and verifying that the public schema is included in the search_path.
Okay i've almost got everything to work but i'm still having another problem. When using
as the connectionURI, it works. But when using my
it says
Error: No SuperTokens core available to query
even tho its reachable in my browser and returns
. that's my startup sequence of the core :
Copy code
Loading supertokens config.
Completed config.yaml loading.
Loading storage layer.
Loading PostgreSQL config.
Loading supertokens version.yaml file.
Setting up PostgreSQL connection pool.
Started SuperTokens on localhost:3567 with PID: 19392
So everything seems right, any idea ? no tables were created yet, idk if its normal ?
are you using docker for the backend process?
Nope i'm running everything on windows rn for testing purposes
So then it might be a firewall / security setting on your machine which is preventing the backend sdk process to connect to the core.
I have access to it in my browser and i tried printing in the backend console a query to he connectionURI it returns the hello
Having access to it on the browser isn’t the same as allowing the backend process to connect to localhost. There must be some firewall setting.
Okay i've managed to find the issue. Now it seems like its adding into the db, but when i look at the db i don't see it. Isn't it in the public schema ?