docker endpoint via supertokens core
# support-questions
Is it possible to have the JWKS endpoint be provided by supertokens directly instead of having to proxy it through our own backend API?
hey @WonderPandaDev not yet. The only way is via some API that will call the core. This API can be anywhere as long as it can reach the core and call the API from the core, and then transform the output to meet the jwks format. That being said, our next version of the core will have a JWKS endpoint as well which will solve your issue. But you will have to wait for it.
Awesome! Thanks for the information we will be eagerly waiting the next version. For right now its not a blocker we have a workaround
Will it be part of the April release that includes Multitenant SSO?
I think so, but if not, it will be very close to it anyway
We are working on improving our SSO and considering paying for WorkOS and manually integrating that with SuperTokens
But it would be awesome to have SuperTokens provide all of our needs instead of needing an additional service provider
yea makes sense. We are working hard on getting these out as soon as possible
Thank you! SuperTokens continues to impress