Hello, trying to use your solution and got stuck. I'm using pre-built ui on react app, have nestjs as backend, configured according to docs, have setup database, downloaded binary for windows, connection between frontend and backend is working fine, when I'm trying to use https://try.supertokens.com, but when I'm trying to start core locally, command prompt starts it and /hello returns hello, but when trying to connect with my backend, it sends back 500 error, dashboard route sends the same status as well What could be the cause of this problem?
hey @error404 - are you using docker for nestjs? - How are you setting up the connectionUri in nestjs?
This time for testing purposes I'm trying to configure without docker Setting up uri as: connectionURI: "http://localhost:3567" in my app.module.ts file
this seems fine. Maybe there is some firewall setting on your machine preventing communication between processes?
Nope, got everything off
And backend sends log saying "no supertokens core available to query"
Any suggestions on this case, or maybe you need more information?
If you are not using docker, if the http;//localhost/3567/hello is retuning a 200 “Helllo” and if you don’t have any firewall setting, I’m not sure why this wouldn’t work.
Especially given that it also works with try.supertokens.com
Usually it’s always due to firewall.