auth url callbacks
# support-questions
Hello all! Is there a guide somewhere on how to properly set up e.g. the Google and GitHub OAuth apps to work with SuperTokens? Going through their setup flows it seems that – for example – redirecting back to arbitrary URLs is not possible, but I know it is because this works with the default client details supplied in the starter. But obviously, I don't to use the default config in our real app! Specifically, what to set as the "Authorization callback URL" (GitHub) or "Authorised redirect URIs" (Google).
hey @goodgravy for pre built UI, it's
by default. For custom UI, you can set it to anything, and on that page, you should call the signInUp function as mentioned in our docs (in the custom UI section)
woah I had the exact same question. thanks for the quick response
can you provide docs link?
for custom UI?
Thanks @rp ! How about for the domain? We have ephemeral apps per-PR with unpredictable hostnames – so we can't allow-list them all. This all just works with the default Google and GitHub apps you provide; also happy to just give this a try with some sensible default value and see what happens 🤞
well yea.. in this case, you can use our dev keys for preview links and use your own keys with a fixed set of allow links for prod
Did you do something magic with the provided Google and GitHub client details s.t. arbitrary redirect URLs can be used @rp ?
we added a proxy site that's in between your app and google. So your app redirects to our site which saves your app's URL in localstorage. Google redirects to our site and then we read your app's URL from the storage and proxy the request back to your app
So it is magic