dashboard question
# support-questions
My dashboard on the self-hosted version doesn't have any aggregates or much analytics. Is this something coming soon? The issue in the roadmap has been marked as built. Also, are there any plans for the ability to add users using the dashboard? We're considering self-hosting Supertokens for on-prem installs and would love to create an administrator account for a client and let them handle users using just the dashboard.


hey @SamwiseWebgee we don't have analytics yet, and we don't have the add user button yet on the dashboard either. Both will be coming in a few months. Either way, the text on the website needs correction (thanks for pointing it out). The dashboard repo itself is open source, so you can fork it and add stuff to it. Then you can override the backend SDK's dashboard GET API to send your custom built dashboard,.
Amazing, thanks @rp
A few months should hopefully work well, otherwise I'll fork it 🙂
sounds good