contributing issue
# contributing
Give more communication and time to pr senders. I wasted 2 weeks in total. ( You are constantly releasing every new version and I'm tired of constantly equalizing with those versions.
hey @productdevbook apologies for not getting back sooner. We are quite busy with new feature releases. About the PR, I think someone from our team was communicating with you earlier. But due to the nature and size of the PR, we put that on hold. If you can reduce the size of the PR or break it into smaller chunks, we would be happy to have a look.
Unfortunately, there is nothing to reduce this in the future. Reducing means that I will work for 1 month, this is not possible. costly for me.
That makes sense. I would request you to please just reopen the PR so that someone else can pick it up in the future.
Look, stop issuing new versions. And this is the one that focuses on the structure. There are structural flaws. Ts and eslint, the fact that the tests are not ts prevents you from seeing them.
This pr is very important for this project
I fixed them all until the last update. There are TS interface errors that are incompatible with your codes only in the tests, but I turned off these ts checks in the tests. Because that place is a job in itself and the main codes need to be fixed.
There are mostly interface errors etc.
I'm going to sync this repo one last time today. Please focus on this before the new version.
I'm not sure if this would be a priority for us compared to releasing new features. That's why we requested to keep PRs small and make structural changes one by one, in a small manner - so that they actually get released. I hope you understand where we come from as well.
I hope you understand where we come from as well.
yes, but that is impossible, I would do it if there was such a thing. I can only do it as a whole because you write structurally weird. so only after this new pr is approved will it be able to work in small parts. I hope you understand me too.
hmmm. Makes sense. Instead of making code changes to the PR, can you write examples of structural issues that we have and what you did to fix them? Just like one or two examples.
The build folder has been completely deleted. The tests were converted to ts and combined with the main codes. A mountain of ts errors appeared. Since your build structure is different, i used ts build mechanism, so interface improvements were made everywhere.
that's why it's impossible by tearing it apart
To break it down, the structure had to be completely written like ts and properly library.
this pr, this is possible now.
If we fix 6 test bugs, then when pr merges, it can send bit by bit the interface in the tests and the interface in the main code. It does not affect the system or code. But piecemeal goes to make the project better.
right ok. I'll see what we can do. However, please don't expect much, and please don't spend anytime on this PR unless you see clear interest from us to work on this. Thank you though. We will take note. But, feature releases for us is more important. Once we are in a good place there, this structural change will be important - so please keep the PR in draft mode.
For your information, it gets harder to equalize in every version.
because merge doesn't equate to one-to-one. I look at the changes one by one and pass them to the relevant place.
yea. This does require effort. Yes. But we are also in the middle of adding many more features which also have a lot of code changes.
So once our current pipeline is done, we will have a look at this.
ok i will break cut the code
first pr pnpm after build pr system
then 1 ts test.
i really request that you don't spend anymore time on this please. When we feel that it's the right time for this change, we will comment in the PR you opened.
cause we are in the middle of some big feature releases.
this is necessary for us, they don't have esm and ts support
You go on, make sure I won't spoil you.
pr none of them will break the structure. Each one will be more beautiful when combined.
I will send a small and pr reviewable.
okay. That works then. We will try and see.. but not guarantees here. You are always welcome to use your forked version in your project if we don't respond fast enough 🙂