Hello, does SuperToken supports Nuxt.js and its Serverless functions?
hey @9M6 yes we do - checkout the custom UI docs
Nuxt, with vuejs not next with react
I couldnt find anything in the docs
Regarding the custom pages, only next
no i meant, see the custom UI section
you will need to build custom UI as we don't have vue components
Regarding that I dont mind, I was already planing to build custom UI, but I was mainly more interested in the user dashboard, I wanted to provide it through a serverless function
I wanted the admin dashboard somehow to integrate with the application, there are examples for lambda, and other providers but I couldnt find examples for DigitalOcean or if I could integrate it through nuxt/nitro server functions
Also, some feedback, having SDKs that support frameworks, and use cases plus an admin dashboard is more beneficial to more people than the premade ui for signing in. Most people would code their own login pages, its not very difficult thing to do, the hard stuff are basically the backend impl, and the auth flow and scalability.
Also wouldnt it make more sense to include the admin dashboard as part of the docker supertoke server api, instead of importing it unto some custom api
right! Thanks for the feedback. The admin dashboard is served via the backend SDK cause it allows your customisations to reflect onto the dashboard actions.
I see
Thank you, I'll try to go over the docs and see what I'm missing