Hello, How can we make multi-domain front-ends wo...
# general
Hello, How can we make multi-domain front-ends work with SuperTokens? In our SPA app, we allow our users to add their own custom domains via CNAME records e.g. planner.domainA.com and planner.domainB.com. This way they can use our app as a white label on their sites for their customers to use. Auth is something we do not offer right now, but we want to add an Auth solution in which they would visit planner.domainA.com/login to login etc. What is the easiest solution to achieve this? Basically, we are looking for a solution similar to Shopify where each user can setup their own shop and auth for each shop. Do we need a multitenancy approach? Supertokens do not support this I can see. Is there a way to make this work with one front-end domain e.g. auth.ourPrimaryDomain.com/domainA for logging in the user and then redirecting them to the custom domain e.g. planner.domainA.com? While keeping the session in the front-end.