Hey everyone. I have a question regarding the Angu...
# support-questions
Hey everyone. I have a question regarding the Angular demo app (https://github.com/supertokens/supertokens-auth-react/tree/master/examples/with-angular-thirdpartyemailpassword) . After authenticating via Google, what controls the redirection to the frontend from the auth callback URL? I don't see it being handled in the code and think the React Component handles the redirection.
Hey @siddhant
So google redirects the user to your app and our react SDK handles that route and calls the backend to consume the code.
So I'm following the same steps that are there in the Angular demo but in Vue, but my app shows a blank screen after authenticating from google with the callback URL. The redirection doesn't happen and I think even the backend isn't called to consume the code.
That could be an issue in how you have setup the web server that serves the vue app. Is there anything in the console logs?
Oh I figured it out, Vue router's routes matching pattern was set to exact which is why nested routes weren't working. Thanks anyway!