Hi <@498057949541826571> while building from sour...
# support-questions
Hi @rp while building from source , i went through all steps in contributing.md file i am using windows 10 , installed wsl2 ( ubuntu ) , installed open jdk15.0.1 in ubuntu , set the JAVA_HOME and PATH , cloned the "supertoken-root" , updated modules.txt with git username then run loadModules too . Upto now it is fine , now i am using STS IDE in windows and while importing "spertoken-root" as a "gradle project" i am facing one issue that is added below .
hey @avinashkumar
this seems to be a gradle issue related to your local setup. Did you try googling it?
yes @rp
i have used diffrent versions of gradle
can you please suggest if any particular version required ?
the supertokens-root repo require version 7.0