Hi all I've got a few questions regarding the mul...
# support-questions
Hi all I've got a few questions regarding the multi-tenancy capacity of supertokens. who can help me?
hey @lukas.grigis sure. Go for it
Okay, so let's say I've a self-hosted instance of supertokens in docker, using the docker-compose file from the documentation. I declared the API Key which I am using in application1. How do I add an application2? I want to have complete separate roles, permissions and users. Is that event possible?
In comparison with keycloak: they are speaking of so called "realms". How is this concept called in supertokens-terms?
> Is that event possible? At the moment, you will need to host a different core for that.
How does supertokens core know what application belongs to what "realm". Is this achieved by the api key?
ah I see. so for now this is not possible (yet).
You can modify the backend SDK logic (using overrides) to to add a tenantId to the user's primary info like their email ID, and "virtually" get the same effect. But that will require some aomunt of customisation
Otherwise, you will have to wait until we have a concept similar to realms / orgs
okay. unfortunately waiting is not possible, because I wanted to use supertokens for my bachelor thesis which I must hand-in by 23th december.
haha fair enough
I don't think it will be released until then, is it? 😄
probably not
however, personally I think it's a super great IdP, I am happy to hear from you! I like the your documentation and the architecture, so keep going! 🙂
thank you :))
last but not least: this support discord is amazing too. I did not know, this exists. super helpful for all developers out there 👍
thanks for your quick reaction and see you 🙂 cheers!
happy to help 🙂