Hey, in the EU the information about Terms of Serv...
# general
Hey, in the EU the information about Terms of Service and Privacy Police not allowed with only info text, the user should be activ opt-in like a checkbox. Actually supertokens only shows an infomation text. With the formFields option i can only add text inputs, is that so? How can i change this to an checkbox? Also it would be nice if the form type was like JsonSchema7 so you can add dynamic all fields, proofs and types you want. https://jsonforms.io/api/core/interfaces/jsonschema7.html
> With the formFields option i can only add text inputs, is that so? Yes. > How can i change this to an checkbox? You will have to override the react component to add a checkbox yourself. You can also disable the sign up button (using JS dom manipulation) unless the checkbox is clicked.
First try it, but if you can't figure it out, then we can make a demo for this for you too.