Hello everyone. I am new to supertokens and what I have seen so far is really awesome. I want to implement it in a remix project I am starting right now. Is there anyone who has done this before? I would like to use the supertoken UI for sign up and login, but would like to handle if the user can see a certain route or not on the server side of remix (inside the loader function).
hey @User welcome to the community. There were a few cases where people were talking about supertokens + remix, but not sure what happened to those devs (if they are still part of this discord or not). At the moment, we don't have any docs for remix support 😦 But if you have any specific question about how certain features work, you can ask them
Thanks for the fast response! OK. I guess I will try to find a good working solution alone. I will probably come back and ask about certain features if I hit a rote block. I am also thinking about writing a remix-auth-supertokens strategy to make it reusable and available for all. (But I will see how it goes.)
That would be very kind of you. Thank you :))
Hey @Lucas | BaragZ I'm trying to integrate supertokens with remix too. Did you manage to do it? Would appreciate any example or help you can give 🙏
same here, trying to figure out how to integrate supertokens with remix and i've been looping for a week now