Hey again. 😅 Needing some guidance. I have a Sve...
# general
Hey again. 😅 Needing some guidance. I have a Svelte-Kit app ("Isomorphic Svelte") that needs to use what I think a blog called "opaque tokens" for authentication. Login is EmailPassword only. Since I'm using Svelte, I have to build out the login UI and functionality on my own. I saw that there are
routes. But are there any routes that allow me to verify if the user is still logged in from the frontend? I want the routes to be protected on both the backend and the frontend. So the frontend would need to know if the existing session is still valid before navigating to protected pages.
The frontend SDK has a helper function to know if a user is logged in or not.
Awesome! Thanks! I'm still new and am working my way through a few options with limited time. Sorry to ask a question that was already there in the docs. 😅 Thanks again for your help and patience!
Happy to help 🙂