but I have a lot of logic build on what we've been...
# support-questions
but I have a lot of logic build on what we've been discussing, adding custom fields, and an "onBlur" event, etc. It seems embedding will not include all that code by just calling , will it?
It will
All of the other logic will still get called
ok then
Steps 1 and 3, does that logic go in frontendConfig() or backendConfig()?
I think I got it, but I'm getting this error:
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Server Error
Error: No instance of EmailPassword found. Make sure to call the EmailPassword.init method.See https://supertokens.io/docs/emailpassword/quick-setup/frontend
If you are trying to use this method doing server-side-rendering, please make sure you move this method inside a componentDidMount method or useEffect hook.
I guess the newly created signinsignup component needs to be wrapped in a ...NoSSR ?
Yes. Correct. It’s all frontend
And it needs to be wrapper in NoSSR as well
ok, fixed the error but I have this
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getRedirectionURL: async (context) => {
          if (context.action === "SIGN_IN_AND_UP") {
            return "/signin-signup";
and my url looks like this, prolly not right
so it's stuck in a loop
should my custom signin component be in /auth?
It can be on any page u like.
But make sure you don’t use the emailpasswordauth wrapper along with signinup component
hmm, that's what I had.
ok, got it