Hi team I'm running into a new CORS error we haven...
# support-questions
Hi team I'm running into a new CORS error we haven't had in the past. The CORS configuration is now blocking requests between our api (express) and client (react) with the error message: "Access to fetch at 'https://vms-api.macleanengineering.com/auth/signin' from origin 'https://vms.macleanengineering.com/' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled." We've set out cors configuration according to the user/password user guide so I'm starting here. Here's our current cours config: app.use(cors( { origin: ['https://vms.macleanengineering.com/'], allowedHeaders: ["content-type", ...supertokens.getAllCORSHeaders()], credentials: true, } ));
Hi team I'm running into a new CORS error we haven't had in the past. The CORS configuration is now blocking requests between our api (express) and client (react) with the error message: "Access to fetch at 'https://vms-api.macleanengineering.com/auth/signin' from origin 'https://vms.macleanengineering.com/' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled." We've set out cors configuration according to the user/password user guide so I'm starting here. Here's our current cours config: app.use(cors( { origin: ['https://vms.macleanengineering.com/'], allowedHeaders: ["content-type", ...supertokens.getAllCORSHeaders()], credentials: true, } ));
Have you added the cors middleware after or before the supertokens middleware?
Ok. Can I see the response headers of the OPTIONS request that’s failing?
Of course - interestingly the response tracking on the network shows the options as successful and then the following signin post as failing, though that's not what the console error message shows.
So this usually happens if the cors middleware is after the supertokens middleware
So it’s really strange that it’s happening if u have put it before the supertokens middleware
It's possible I'm misinterpretting the CORS middleware before/after question? here is what I have
Response from the sign in api is 502. That’s odd. We don’t return the status code response from our APIs.
Can you enable debug logging and send the request?
And show the log output?
It's serving from a supertokens docker container so let me also check the version tag on that
And yep I've got it enabled, let me pull the logs one moment
27 Apr 2022 13:40:20:252 +0000 | DEBUG | pid: 4945ae5c-8004-4756-981e-63de68af700e | [SuperTokens housekeeper] thread | io.supertokens.storage.postgresql.HikariLoggingAppender.doAppend(HikariLoggingAppender.java:136) | SuperTokens - Pool stats (total=10, active=0, idle=10, waiting=0) 27 Apr 2022 13:40:44:666 +0000 | DEBUG | pid: 4945ae5c-8004-4756-981e-63de68af700e | [http-nio-] thread | io.supertokens.webserver.WebserverAPI.service(WebserverAPI.java:159) | API called: /hello. Method: GET 27 Apr 2022 13:40:44:668 +0000 | DEBUG | pid: 4945ae5c-8004-4756-981e-63de68af700e | [http-nio-] thread | io.supertokens.webserver.WebserverAPI.service(WebserverAPI.java:181) | API ended: /hello. Method: GET 27 Apr 2022 13:40:50:252 +0000 | DEBUG | pid: 4945ae5c-8004-4756-981e-63de68af700e | [SuperTokens housekeeper] thread | io.supertokens.storage.postgresql.HikariLoggingAppender.doAppend(HikariLoggingAppender.java:136) | SuperTokens - Pool stats (total=10, active=0, idle=10, waiting=0) 27 Apr 2022 13:40:59:484 +0000 | DEBUG | pid: 4945ae5c-8004-4756-981e-63de68af700e | [http-nio-] thread | io.supertokens.webserver.WebserverAPI.service(WebserverAPI.java:156) | API called: /recipe/signin. Method: POST. Version: 2.12 27 Apr 2022 13:40:59:686 +0000 | DEBUG | pid: 4945ae5c-8004-4756-981e-63de68af700e | [http-nio-] thread | io.supertokens.webserver.WebserverAPI.service(WebserverAPI.java:181) | API ended: /recipe/signin. Method: POST 27 Apr 2022 13:40:59:690 +0000 | DEBUG | pid: 4945ae5c-8004-4756-981e-63de68af700e | [http-nio-] thread | io.supertokens.webserver.WebserverAPI.service(WebserverAPI.java:156) | API called: /recipe/user. Method: GET. Version: 2.12
btw this is deployed within Kube which I have set to regularly ping the /hello endpoint as a healtcheck right now while I verify this
These aren’t the logs I need to see
There is a trouble shooting section in the docs
That will show you how to enable logs from@the python sdk
That will help debug the issue
Sure yeah I looked at that section but wasn't sure on making those changes on the containerized deployment. If I set the DEBUG field specified in the env variables will it pick it up or do I need to exec onto the instance and manually set and rerun app.py
I’m not sure. Try the env method. If it doesn’t work, then exec into it
Env doesn't appear to have changed any terminal log output
Which version of the SDK are you using?
I'm not sure as the image doesn't appear to have a tag designating it nor the logs anything reflecting it. It's the postgres docker image found here registry.supertokens.io/supertokens/supertokens-postgresql
No I mean what versio of the nodejs SDK?
You need to add the debug env var whilst running your node server
The supertokens-node SDK will produce logs
Oh sorry still waking my brain up - 8.1.2 according to my local package lock. Will verify it's the same in the image (as it should be) this is building and serving from
Right. That needs to be updated to 9.1.2 at least for the debug logs to work
So please do that and enable debug logs
And then send them here. Then we can figure what’s wrong 🙂
Hi sorry for the delay in doing this I am back on it now though
Here's what my startup logs look like
I'm not seeing any com.supertokens logs on the api call to sign in though
That means that the supertokens middleware is not being called at all. Maybe something that some other middleware is throwing an error?
Oh no sorry it was just not actually fetching as it had cached that resonse - here are the logs I am actually seeing on hitting that endpoint
I see it says not handling because no recipe matched.. hmm I believe I only have the one recipe enabled right now
so the middleware is not handling the request it seems.
Okay so yeah that log outputs when I comment out the cors configuration on the app (since you said an earlier one may be failing)
and then yes it still doesn't hit the supertokens middleware when cors config is set right above it again
Welp removing and moving around where the cors middleware was assigned led to me finally realizing the issue (at lesat locally, about to test it on the higher envs) was caused by a trailing slash on the last copy of the origin -- which I had taken from the error message -- but that trailing slash is causing the CORS failure
Thanks for the help setting up the debug logs
Okay I guess it was really just a "getting closer"
When I recreated the problem on my local - I had had the slash but that didn't explain it in higher envs because my logs were showing I hadn't had the extra slash
One thing I did change that caused a difference was the SSL connection to our DB
We're connecting to an Azure managed PostgreSQL database -- we just switched over to that database recently so I've been speculating it had something to do with this error but the actual CORS issue and the speculation it was a new DB related thing weren't converging. Anyway - the new DB requires SSL connections only so I when I accidentally removed that it helped identify the issue but now I'm trying to get the supertokens core to use an ssl connection to the database and not succeeding as I try the connection string option here https://node-postgres.com/features/ssl. To use the Azure required usernames you have to encode @ as %40 but otherwise that helped resolve this for me. Hope having this written out helps someone else down the line.
@lmac so did you solve the issue finally?
Hi yes got back to it and found the issue was caused by modifying the accesstokenpayload per this documentation https://supertokens.com/docs/emailpassword/common-customizations/sessions/new-session. I believe the issue seems connected to us having passed a list not str value to that field
Hmm. @lmac can you show me your code related to this? An object containing a key whose value is a list should work
The root cause ended up being a misuse of the accessTokenPayload vs. the SessionData when overridding the createNewSession function. The value being written to the accessTokenPayload exceeded the allowable buffer and therefore caused our nginx server to return a CORS issue. Correcting the implementation to only store frontend needed role on the accessTokenPayload and more complex user permissions structs in the SessionData resolved this in all environments.
Thanks for the help 🙂
One thing to keep in mind @lmac is that when you fetch session data, it calls the supertokens core. So id you need to do it in most API calls, I would recommend maybe figuring out a way in which you can fit all that's required in the access token payload itself.