Hello there, my dev team has been able to add supe...
# support-questions
Hello there, my dev team has been able to add supertokens auth (passwordless magic link + social) to a react webclient, as documented by supertokens. Now, the same login system should be used in the mobile application, do you support a way to handle this with the magic link? Right now if our react native app would POST /code, the user clicking the link would be redirected on the web. What should be done?
Hey @FrAgOrDiE
So we have a callback frunction on the backend which you can use to change the magic link URL. So if the request is from mobile app, you can make it a deep link to your app
ok I couldn't think it's that simple, so I guess I just check the user agent performing the request?
Yea exactly. And that callback gets a userContext object in which you can attach the user agent by overriding the API