Hey guys, Is it possible to have super token as i...
# support-questions
Hey guys, Is it possible to have super token as identity provider to login into salesforce community (salesforce experience Cloud) We wanna use magic link for this
hey @prazzy we are not an OAuth provider yet.
You provide saml sso right?
Wait.. im not sure what you are asking about anymore
So your app uses SuperTokens. And you want to allow users to login via salesforce?
Vice versa. We wanna use magic link functionality to log into salesforce community.
Salesforce supports login via saml identity provider.
Right. So we are not a SAML provider.
So that will be difficult unfortunately 😦
Do you know any other provider we can use?
You could use auth0
Yeah.. For 50k users Auth0 is charging us 44k$
Literally a rip off
So is SAML the only way to integrate with salesforce community?
So the link says that it can integrate with an OAuth provider as well.. but we are not that either (not yet). 😦
But we do issue JWTs and have a jwks endpoint which is part of the open ID connect spec
So if you can pass the JWT to salesforce and then that can be used by them to verify the logged in user.
But im not sure how Salesforce would allow you to pass a JWT to them without the full OAuth flow (which we do not support yet)
What you could do is to use a solution that works on top of supertokens that will make your login portal an OAuth provider. Then it could be integrated into salesforce easily.
😢😢😢 such a shame.🥲🥲 just sucks how auth0 is charging 100x pricing for this.... I hope you guys become a true replacement of Auth0 soon
Yea... we are working on it.. literally so many people require us to be an oauth provider. So it is one of the top priorities for us!
SHould be there in a few months.