Hi all, trying to wrap a component to show a logge...
# support-questions
Hi all, trying to wrap a component to show a logged in avatar or not in a navigation bar in NextJS. I am trying to use this in the component code, but whether I'm logged in or not, it doesn't change anything. Any help/pointers is appreciated.
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import { Fragment } from 'react'
import { Disclosure, Menu, Transition } from '@headlessui/react'
import { BellIcon, MenuIcon, XIcon } from '@heroicons/react/outline'
import { PlusSmIcon } from '@heroicons/react/solid'
import { ThirdPartyEmailPasswordAuth } from "supertokens-auth-react/recipe/thirdpartyemailpassword";
import { Profiler } from 'react/cjs/react.production.min';

function Profile() {
  return (
    <ThirdPartyEmailPasswordAuth requireAuth={true}>
        Profile Icon

export default Profile;
Are you getting an error? Or is it just showing the child content all the time?
Not getting an error. Just seems to keep showing the child object (Profile Icon) text all the time. Even when I explicitly logout.
I am running the app locally against the development supertokens server. Not sure if that makes a difference.
Hmm. So normally that component should redirect the user to the login page if you are not logged in. Do you see any console error?
Oh I see. I don't see any errors. I guess that wasn't my intent anyways. I wanted to show like a logged in avatar in the navbar if logged in.
Ah ok, I restarted my server and now see some errors. Error: SuperTokens must be initialized before calling this method.
This navbar component is embedded in _app so it may be getting used before initialization.
Do you know what's a good recommendation to do the above? Instead of redirecting, show certain components/parts in the UI if logged in? Should I check for a cookie client side ?
Its almost very similar functionality to supertokens.com how it shows either
Sign Up
button on the top right or if logged in it shows my
Yea. Give me 15 mins please. I’ll write up so code here to do that.
Oh awesome, thank you.
Sorry for the confusion, I guess the server I'm using doesn't have live reload hence I didn't see the errors before.
hey @User , so the way to do this is as below:
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import React from 'react'
import dynamic from 'next/dynamic'
import ThirdPartyEmailPassword from 'supertokens-auth-react/recipe/thirdpartyemailpassword'
import ProtectedPage from "./protectedPage";

const ThirdPartyEmailPasswordAuthNoSSR = dynamic(
  new Promise((res) =>
  ) as any,
  { ssr: false }

export default function Home() {
  return (
    // we protect ProtectedPage by wrapping it
    // with ThirdPartyEmailPasswordAuthNoSSR

    <ThirdPartyEmailPasswordAuthNoSSR requireAuth={false}>
      <ProfileComponent />
Then in
, you need to use the sessionContext to query if a session exists or not like shown here: https://supertokens.com/docs/thirdpartyemailpassword/common-customizations/sessions/checking-session-front-end#step-2-this-is-how-to-use-the-session-context-in-a-component Note that we are using NextJS'
HOC here, which means that
<ProfileComponent />
will not be rendered on the server side, and only on the client side.
Thank you. Trying this out now. Couple questions, so since this is client side, it would still be able to take advantage of SEO with the page using getStaticProps() right?
Ok awesome @User this worked out quite well. Also, I'm thinking of just returning an empty fragment in the case the session doesn't exist? As I don't need to show anything.
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function Profile() {
  let {doesSessionExist} = useSessionContext();
  if (doesSessionExist) {
  } else {
Does wrapping with
<ThirdPartyEmailPasswordAuthNoSSR requireAuth={false}>
have too much overhead? I am doing it in
as my navbar is loaded up in
> Couple questions, so since this is client side, it would still be able to take advantage of SEO with the page using getStaticProps() right? I'm not entirely familiar with
. Sorry > Also, I'm thinking of just returning an empty fragment in the case the session doesn't exist? As I don't need to show anything. Yea. That works. > Does wrapping with have too much overhead? I am doing it in _app as my navbar is loaded up in _app Nope. It doesn't. Unless you have enabled email verification. In which case it does an API call each time the page will be loaded to check if the email is verified. Depending on where the frontend and backend are, this can take ~ 600ms (but takes ~20ms if the backend is close) to query the backend. But it shouldn't affect any of the other parts of the page. We are working on optimising this, in the meantime, you can see this comment: https://github.com/supertokens/supertokens-core/issues/380#issuecomment-1053906292
Got it thank you. It looks like I may have email verification enabled, but will double check.
Alright! Test it out first though.. it may just work well.
Actually do I even need to do the wrap with the
? Can I just check the session instead?
You can. But it's easiest to do it via the wrapper component. Otherwise you will have to use
etc to do that..
If you still don't wanna use that HOC, then you can see https://supertokens.com/docs/thirdpartyemailpassword/common-customizations/sessions/checking-session-front-end#step-2-this-is-how-to-use-the-session-context-in-a-component, and then click on "Plain Javascript" tab to see what function to use.
Ok thank you.