done it, still able to log in, but later getting 4...
# support-questions
done it, still able to log in, but later getting 403s
We don't return 403s. Can I see the error you are seeing?
That's why I am thinking that it might be a thing in my codebase 😄 It's just 403 - Forbidden after redirection, might it be an issue with redirecting after sing up?
It's probably your web server config.. nothing to do with supertokens
It's an issue with 'auto logging in' after signup, just don't know where to look after it, as I see nothing that could be linked
Before validation was done - it was automatically logging user in which I am trying to get rid off now. Will it be something with Sessions perharps?
When you call the sign up / in API, it does create a new session.
But a missing session deosn't yield 403, it yields 401.
Signup is returning 200, then it's being redirected to let's say 'home', and it's returning 403 - forbidden, but I want it to make Signup -> Send Email Verification [Blocked log in] -> Verify -> Log in. Looking at DB emails are not confirmed, but yet I am still automatically logging in after sign up. I am just not sure where that 'automatically logging in' feature might be hidden, looking at overrides of EmailPassword - nothing, that's why I am asking if it might be override in Session 🙂
Which backend SDK are you using? I can point you to the code in the SDK that does that
And which recipe again?
EmailPassword NodeJS
Sign in API logic: Sign up API logic: If you see, in those functions, there is a call to
which makes a session. Now on the frontend, if you are using
wrappers around your protected route, it makes sure that those protected routes are only shown if the user's email is verified. This has nothing to do with a session existing or not - you want a session anyway 🙂
Okay! Thanks 🙂 Got a clue now ^_^
It led to nothing 😦 Is there any working demo, so I can check what's going on?
Yup it works, gotta search where the issue is then, as supertokens wise, everything looks fine
Thanks once again!