Hi <:vmathi:937589524299677739> is there any Docke...
# support-questions
Hi is there any Dockerfile available to deploy SuperTokens as a service? (Not docker compose, simply docker)
hey @Olyno
Do you mean that you are making your own dockerfile and you want to add supertokens into it?
Not really. I'm trying to deploy SuperTokens as independent service to render.com, but they only support Dockerfile for services (like ElasticSearch and so on). The docs only specify how to install SuperTokens with a terminal command, but not by running a Dockerfile. So i was wondering if there is any Dockerfile available yet or if i need to make my own, and if i need to make my own, is there any specific thing to know?
More informations about the deploy system here: https://render.com/docs/deploy-elasticsearch
Well.. we do have a dockerfile that builds the docker images we offer
is this what you were looking for?
I will have a look there, but i think it's definitely what I'm looking for, thanks you!
Coming with some news: i tried to deploy the docker, but i'm getting a cert error: > What caused the crash: Failed to initialize pool: Could not open SSL root certificate file /home/supertokens/.postgresql/root.crt. I'm not using a postgres database, but a cockroach db, so i did some changes between the postgres docker and needs i have: https://github.com/Olyno/supertokens-docker-cockroach/blob/master/Dockerfile but it looks like it doesn't work anyway. Do i need to ``COPY`` the cert? @rp
I’m not sure @Olyno. Maybe @kakashi_44 can help
Any idea? @kakashi_44
hey @Olyno
sorry for the delayed response
i don't think we quite understand what you want to achieve
i'm trying to deploy SuperTokens as a service on render.com. To do that, i need to deploy only a Dockerfile (docker-compose is not supported yet). I'm not using Postgres, but Cockroach instead, and i'm getting an error when deploy: > What caused the crash: Failed to initialize pool: Could not open SSL root certificate file /home/supertokens/.postgresql/root.crt. I don't know if it comes from the postgres image directly (https://github.com/supertokens/supertokens-docker-postgresql/blob/master/Dockerfile), or my custom image. But anyway, i have this error and i can't deploy any instance because of that. Any idea?
So render.com creates their own image from the docker file?
Is the error coming during building process? Or when you run supertokens? If it's during running supertokens, can you show me the command you are using to run it?
Nope, they're simply deploying the Docker file.
Um, I'm a little confused right now. I just redeployed THE SAME repository that I did above, without changing anything, to find the error, and it seems that I managed to deploy SuperTokens without any problem. I'm really sorry to have insisted on my problem when a new attempt would have been enough
Thanks you for your help anyway, i'm really grateful!
Oh!! That’s strange! But I’m glad it worked out @Olyno !