I want to say thank you to the Supertokens team! I...
# general
I want to say thank you to the Supertokens team! I have been integrating Supertokens into a legacy Sails app, and the experience has been good. I have found solutions in the docs to any problems. The story behind this is that I noticed my client having extremely bad password security, so I suggested we switch to Auth0 which they agreed to. Once I had Auth0 integrated (long journey, the app used its own sessions and users so I had to remove all that), I noticed I was getting quickly rate limited when fetching user data for normal site requests. I figured this would be solved once we started paying for Auth0, but then I dug into the pricing... 😬 oh boy. Super expensive. At this point I started looking for a self-hosted alternative and found Supertokens! Since the app is already decoupled from sessions and users, it is pretty simple to dump Auth0 and integrate Supertokens.
Also, we want to use passwordless but the auth0 login page is quite bad
Thanks for the feedback!! Appreciate it 🙂
We set up Twilio and sendgrid and thought passwordless would just work, but apparently you have to hack the stuff into the login page yourself
what the hell 😄 or use their old ugly login
Yeaaa. Auth0 can be annoying for custom UI
Do you mind if I change the thread title?
It's so weird! why haven't they implemented it into their current login flow
sure go ahead
Sorry, it's been frustrating
I guess cause most people who pay them a huge amount get dedicated support and then those support engineers can solve any issue anyway.
Auth0 issues with passwordless and sessions
heh yeah... the costs add up quickly
They indeed do!