Hey guys, I have a question regarding gunicorn. I ...
# support-questions
Hey guys, I have a question regarding gunicorn. I run my FastAPI application in Docker with gunicorn:
Copy code
CMD [ "gunicorn", "main:app", "--workers", "8", "--worker-class", "uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker", "--bind", "" ]
and I am getting this error from supertokens:
Copy code
RuntimeWarning: Inconsistent mode detected, check if you are using the right asgi / wsgi mode
Supertokens docs say
use wsgi mode if you are running using gunicorn
. Should I still use wsgi mode even if I have Uvicorn workers?
Hey. @KShivendu can help here.
Hey @execreate, I'll get back to you with the exact answer to your question in a while. But for now my answer would be: It's a warning (not error) and imo you can ignore it. But please check the APIs to confirm that it works 🙂
Hey @KShivendu ! Thanks 🙂