Is there an SDK to fetch all active session like t...
# support-questions
Is there an SDK to fetch all active session like the one in the Saas? Not based on a single user.
Hey. There ain’t such a function yet. If you open an issue about this on the core repo, we can make a pagination function for this.
What you can do is loop through all the users, and then for each, fetch all the sessions. This way, you can get all sessions
owh okay... then just check which session is active and not
well, it will return only active sessions, in the sense the ones that have a valid refresh token.
ahh nice then thank you
hey, backing to this question I tried looping and use getAllSessionHandlesForUser but as you say that it only returns the active session. But I want to get a total number like that, that record a total active session in a given period.
is there a way to do that?
when user logout, this getAllSessionHandlesForUser return empty
Hmm. You will have to setup a cronjob on your end that regularly keeps track of the sessions for each user and then uses that data to calculate number of active sessions for a time period. That’s kind of what we do to calculate number of active sessions for a time period.
owh okay, because when I check the session got delete in DB when a user is signout
Yup. So you will have to save sessions somewhere else as well so that you can calculate active sessions