do we any method / endpoint from where i can get s...
# support-questions
do we any method / endpoint from where i can get specific user login count (preference will be filtering based on dates ) , like in 30 days , x user logged in n times
We don’t provide any such analytics at the moment. But you can override the sign in api to collect this info and send events to your analytics system
what do you mean by
override the sign in api
,to give you context we are using super token only for backend with JWT
Ah I see
Well then somewhere in your backend code, you would be calling the sign in api to supertokens right?
Out there, you can send analytics evens on your own. As we don’t have analytics features yet
yes , that what already doing ,but there are dynamic business requirements where needed this , no worries
seems like it will be covered here
Eventually, yes.