Are there any examples of using supertokens with N...
# support-questions
Are there any examples of using supertokens with NestJS/GraphQL? Thanx!
hey @ansont we have examples for using with nest js only. But we have had people in the past who have used it with nestjs + graphql. Maybe search on discord and our github issues for this.
I managed to get this to work by writing a session plugin for the NestJS graphql module. However, it's pretty hacky because verifySession takes request and response arguments which are not readily available in the plugin.
I see. What would be the ideal interface for verifySession which would work well for your use case?
If there's an alternative (lower level) verifySession that just takes cookies and returns the response data and the session instead of applying to response object
There isn’t one yet. But in 1 months time, there will be.
Until then, you can hack around by providing a fake req and res object to the getSession function and reading from those.