I am still getting these cors errors when trying t...
# support-questions
I am still getting these cors errors when trying to acess our app from our second front-end. Not the main one that the users logins from. We include all origins that cover both front-ends already with the RegExp below. Can we try something else?
Hey! What is the response form the OPTIONS API request? Specifically the response headers
This one?
The previous one
so it's missing the allow-control-access-origin headers entirely.
are you sure that the lib allows regex? I don't think it would allow that
Maybe its because of the :9000 port? We are running the second front-end locally with hosts changed
But the login front-end is in the cloud
hmm. Im not sure
Maybe try with hardcoding the frontend URL exactly, and see if that works. If that works, then you know that it's an issue with how the regex is matching