Hi, I am certain that I read some documentation ab...
# support-questions
Hi, I am certain that I read some documentation about how to modify the sign-in process like you did at https://supertokens.com/auth in regard to display the password field AFTER entering the email. But I cannot find it anymore. Maybe you can help?
Hey @DanielAtStruggly
The example links above change the sign up process to add the password after email verification
Based on the screenshot, I think you want to change the sign in process (and not the sign up process)?
If yes, what happens when you click on the next button?
Hey, thanks for the detailed reply. My fault. I mixed up sign in and sign up in my head. For that reason we use the terms log-in and sign-up 😀. I searched the docs for tweaking the sign up. Sorry for the misunderstanding screenshot too as it shows the sign in. Have a nice day.
Ah ok. So did you get it to work as expected?