Hi Supertokens-Team, exists the possibility to ONL...
# support-questions
Hi Supertokens-Team, exists the possibility to ONLY change the URL for the dashboard from ../auth/dashboard to something else like ../auth2/mydashboard?
Hey @DanielAtStruggly
Thats not possible at the moment unfortunately. If I may, why is that needed?
Hey, that's a pity. It might be an additional hurdle for an attacker to know the correct URL. Now the attacker can easily check if the dashboard is turned on by just calling the known URL.
Ah right. Fair enough. We are introducing an email password login method to auth with the dashboard. That should reduce the risk.
But you can always open an issue about this and we can work on it πŸ™‚
Do you have a timing for the email password login method for the dashboard?
Within one or two months
Cool! Nice. And definitely the user email should be verified for getting access πŸ™‚
Yea you will have to create the user in supertokens to give them access to the dashboard. Auto sign ups will be disabled for the dashboard
Does the new feature "email password login method" for the dashboard will also allow inviting team members to have access to the dashboard?
Not yet. But it will allow you to add people will different emails and password to access the dashboard. So effectively it’s similar, except that the admin will know the password to all the other others.
But invite flow will be the next iteration after that.
Fine, thanks! It's always good that the admin knows all the passwords πŸ˜‰