<@498057949541826571> I want to logout all users a...
# support-questions
@rp I want to logout all users at once because of the major update on my page how do i do it ? any table that i can truncate ?
hey @porcx loop through all users via the pagination API, and then call revoke session for all of them. They all will eventually be logged out - based on the access token's lifetime
Can't we do anything from database ?
You can truncate the session_info table - that will have the same affect as the above.
@rp i truncated the table session_info as you said but i still can fetch data from the table. Is there anything i have to do in supertokens api ?
@rp while i was testing things unless the access token expires and checks refresh token they won't be logged out 🤔
Yes. That’s expected. Access token is verified in a stateless way
@rp any other way i can make them logout immediately ?
Yea. See the section on access token blacklisting in our docs
You can also change the expiry time in the access token key in the table to a value in the past and restart your api layer