Hi, have there been any variable name changes late...
# support-questions
Hi, have there been any variable name changes lately? I would like to enable session sharing across subdomains. I am using the supertokens-nextJS sample app
hey @maurice the variable you are using is for the latest version of our frontend SDK. Please upgrade to the latest version of (frontend and backend) SDKs. Alternatively, the older name for this variable was
thanks for the help. I completely overlooked that when creating with create-supertokens-app, supertokens-web-js was not on the latest version.
I would like to use supertokens with multiple NextJS apps. Is there any documentation or guidelines I can follow for implementation? All apps run on the same domain but on different subdomains. For the auth app, I would use auth.example.com, for the main page only example.com, and for another page test.example.com, but they are all separate apps. What is the best way to implement this? Do I implement the supertokens frontend SDK in each Next app and have them all communicate with the supertokens backend (auth.example.com)? Thanks for the help!
> What is the best way to implement this? Do I implement the supertokens frontend SDK in each Next app and have them all communicate with the supertokens backend (auth.example.com)? Yea. This could work well.
You may also want to enable cookie sharing across backend sub domains in this case: https://supertokens.com/docs/session/common-customizations/sessions/multiple-api-endpoints
Great, thanks for the help! Can I write in this thread if new questions arise?
You should make a new thread for new questions not related to this one 🙂