Hi, apologies this may have already been asked, but is there any timescales on release for the multi-tenant functionality? And also on conditional MFA (enabled per user/customer). Working out our implementation and that was two things we'd need
hey! For multi tenancy, we were supposed to have finished it by now, but the scope of the work increased and therefore it will be another month. For MFA, it will also be 1-2 months from now at a minimum.
Brilliant, that's well within when we need it for, I'll keep an eye out for that release. ๐Ÿ˜€ Appreciate the quick response! Thanks
Just one more thing, both those will be paid features - even for self hosted
Since they will be a part of our main repo and all the code is viewable, itโ€™s just that they will be feature flagged by a license key.
Does that work for you?
Yep that's absolutely fine. Do you have the pricing worked out for that and available?
We are currently experimenting with pricing for it and basing it on the scale of use - for example how many tenant do you expect to have.
Id be happy to give you a price for MFA and multi tenancy on a call based on your use case and scale
You could book a slot here: supertokens.com/call-user