I was able to find the SDK reference, but it lacks...
# support-questions
> I was able to find the SDK reference, but it lacks details / context / examples about it's contents, and how to use it. Is there some recipe for non-react custom implementations that can help guide me? Yea. So the supertokens-website SDK only providers session management related functions. The guides for that can be found here: https://supertokens.io/docs/session/quick-setup/frontend (Plain JavaScript section) For login functionality, you will have to build your own UI, and call the APIs exposed by our backend SDK using
. The API spec is here: https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/supertokens/FDI > so I assume the supertokens-website SDK will communicate with the supertokens-node module on my backend automatically by hitting routes that are registered by the ST express middleware? Yes. But since supertokens-website is for sessions only, it will only hit the session recipe's routes. > Would be awesome to see a recipe on the site for supertokens-website vanilla implementations. Coming soon!!