We have some areas of our frontend that are access...
# support-questions
We have some areas of our frontend that are accessed by anonymous users…. But since supertokens is initialised it’s just spams the refresh api route constantly. Is there a way to turn it off, or only call refresh when logged in?
Hey! So the problem is that it calls the refresh endpoint many times per user or once for each new user?
User is not logged in, and hasn’t yet been asked to login
It should call the refresh just once per new user then. Do you find it calling it multiple times?
Its an anonymous route…. But the page has been open a couple of minutes and so far browser has spammed the refresh endpoint about 2000 times
There is no user
Huh.. so there could be another issue then
So this is a page before the user is asked to login…. So it’s anonymous
Aftwr a refresh is called, I assume you get a 401?
And then what is in the cookie store ?
I think its getting a 200 but it’s not logged in so I don’t know why it’s even calling refresh
Well. The SDK called refresh if there are no cookies at all that are set. To check it a session exists or not
Cause on browsers like safari, it wipes out frontend set cookies after 7 days of inactivity
And the refresh should not return a 200 if the user is not logged in
Can you enable debug logs on the backend and show me the output of it when refresh is called?
May have been logged in before and not logged out I guess
I’ll take a look.
But then it shouldn’t be calling refresh continuously